VBA: How to Code a Polygon Coordinates Importer


Somehow, a few weeks ago, no doubt as a result of my having enough caffeine in my system to  down a small hippopotamus, I thought it would be a good idea to make a KML to CSV exporter in AutoHotkey. I can’t even claim ignorance this time—I knew VBA was a thing. But the neurons firing in my brain blazed right passed the LOGIC center and crashed head on into the AHK FIXES EVERYTHING node.

Continue reading “VBA: How to Code a Polygon Coordinates Importer”

VBA: What? Just… What?


I know shockingly little about Excel. And that is somewhat unsettling because most of my jobs, which I depend on for food and rent and coffee, require a fuck-ton* of spreadsheets.

In the interest of keeping myself rolling in coffee grounds, I’ve made myself sludge through VBA tutorials this weekend and put together a few lines that’ll transfer a cell from one workbook to another.

*Is fuck-ton hyphenated?

Continue reading “VBA: What? Just… What?”