Python: How to Start Scripting in Blender

Today I’m rebooting an oldie—we’re going to run a short script to show how Python is a friggin’ delight in Blender. I have with me a boring old kitchen that I want to add a bunch of little lights to.

Continue reading “Python: How to Start Scripting in Blender”

Javascript: How to Make a Simple Web Map

Today’s tutorial is a quick dive into the world of online mapping. We’re going to bounce in and out of different programs and services to do that, so be prepared to do some account set-ups/downloads. The good news is these all are free. You might get prompted for upgrades and such, but the base-level plans are no cost for small, non-commercial projects.

A basic understanding of HTML is helpful, but not necessary for this. If anything, JavaScript would be good to know; though, really if you’ve done any coding, you’ll know enough to modify the existing code for a functional map.

Continue reading “Javascript: How to Make a Simple Web Map”

Java: How to Use an If/Else Statement


Last week we covered how toast happens in Android Studio. Today, we’re going to make it a tad more dynamic with an if/else statement. Going back to this Riddler App, I want to add hints for the user if they can’t guess the answer outright. Quick reminder, our test riddle was “What has a neck but no head?” Most people start guessing insects for that one (isn’t an earthworm basically all neck? you might argue), but the answer we’re looking for is “A Bottle.”

To keep the mystery alive, we’re going to keep hints semi-living creatures related. If a user hits the Hint button once, a toast message will pop out reading, “It has no fingers or toes either.” Otherwise, the toast will say, “And lives all over the world.”

Continue reading “Java: How to Use an If/Else Statement”

Java: How to Make a Genuinely Basic App


I’m back! After a short 14 month siesta, I’ve decided to change gears and pick up App design.

Don’t worry. Today’s tutorial is going to be extremely light on the coding because for the most part, we’re just generating a hoard of files with pre-written code. After that, this is going to be an exercise in strategically ignoring all but the most essential bits required to make an Android app. Our goal is to adapt a few key pieces of that code to lay the groundwork for java tutorials in the future.

Let’s get started.

Continue reading “Java: How to Make a Genuinely Basic App”